Thursday, December 1, 2016

Amazon Echo

The Amazon Echo is a  best friend you want to have around.  All you have to do is ask, and it responds to you voice. If you want sports score, the weather, music, or an audible book read it can do it with a voice command.  With 360 directional audio, it can pick up commands to adjust the temperature, turn on lights and much more.  It is continually being updated with features people want.  All you need to do is place it in a spot it can hear you, and you're ready to go.

They say that new skills are being added every day.  Some of the latest updates include Uber, Dominos and much more.  Users claim that the more you use it, the smarter it gets.  There are thousands of skills that Amazon is adding daily so you can ask it for a sports score, the time or any question you might need to be answered.  They plan to continue to make updates for this device daily.
Click Photo to BUY!

There are some pros and cons to this device.  One of the cons is the price, however, it is well worth the expense since it is continually being updated.  I would recommend the Amazon Echo for every household for just that reason.  Put this one on your list of must-have devices.